
Aix-Marseille University, a lever for emancipation

Recognized for our civic values, we are constantly promoting equality, inclusion and diversity through ambitious and often pioneering initiatives in the service of women and men, students and our staff.

Key figures

11Mission dedicated to gender equality and the fight against all forms of discrimination since 2012

4040Students benefiting from the "social elevator" scheme every year

11Talent Development School offering staff training in excellence

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Promoting equal opportunities

The university's commitment to equality and the fight against discrimination

Combating all forms of discrimination

Equality between men and women and, more broadly, the fight against all forms of discrimination are social issues that are central to our university's priorities. The introduction of concrete measures and actions in favor of equal treatment (between the sexes, origins, sexual orientations and gender identities) is an inescapable imperative to enable our community of 8,000 colleagues and 80,000 students to live together under the best possible conditions.

An increasingly egalitarian place to live

As early as 2012, AMU created a mission dedicated to gender equality, which has now become a functional Vice-Presidency. It carries out concrete operations leading to equal treatment and opportunities, in all aspects of their careers for staff, and in the balanced composition of all courses of study for students. The University is also working on measures to ensure a better balance between personal and professional life, a prerequisite for real equality.

Raising awareness of gender bias

In addition to the fight against violence, raising awareness of unconscious gender biases is a priority of our university's societal vision. A range of awareness-raising and training initiatives have been put in place for our staff and students to help them become aware of these biases, explain their influence and counter them, thus facilitating an inclusive welcome and support for people.
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Defending a strong policy of inclusion

Aix Marseille Université is committed to a policy of inclusion, which examines both collectively and individually the obstacles to living together. In particular, it has developed a catalog of training courses for its staff designed to prevent and combat racism, anti-Semitism and LBGTIphobic representations and clichés.

It also intends to welcome an ever-increasing number of disabled staff. Of the 96 BIATSS positions, 16 are reserved for the disabled. The University is working to bring its buildings into line with current standards and to maintain the jobs of the people concerned. Students with disabilities benefit from a range of measures designed to enable them to pursue their studies with peace of mind.

A department dedicated to respect and equality

Faced with the extent of sexist and sexual violence, discrimination and harassment in our society, amU has decided to create a department for respect and equality. This internal, independent, professionalized service, the only one of its kind in France, is staffed by professionals in these fields, making Aix Marseille University a pioneer in this field. It is a place for listening, preventing, reporting and dealing with problems, open to all staff and students. It has been set up in collaboration with partners such as La Maison des femmes in Marseille, Le Défenseur des Droits, La Maison Départementale de Lutte contre les Discriminations and the Camp des Milles memorial site.

You too can take part in the amU adventure

The quality of life at work, the search for meaning and usefulness in one's job, the versatility of positions and the role of the university for the region... There are many reasons to join us. It's your turn to take part in this wonderful adventure and help change things!

Our job offers