
Standing together, every day

Creating a place for professional success and personal fulfillment means combating precariousness, particularly among students. A number of schemes have been set up to help students in difficulty build their professional and personal projects, including financial aid, a healthcare access network and community grocery stores.

Key figures

100 000100 000 euros granted by the FSDIE to finance solidarity actions during the health crisis

5050local doctors in the RESAMU network

33solidarity groceries

01 03

A fund dedicated to solidarity

Aix Marseille Université has set up a Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes (FSDIE). This fund can provide one-off assistance to students in financial difficulty who are carrying out a project related to their studies - professional integration, reorientation, international mobility, etc. - both on and off campus. - on or off campus.

Putting health first

AGORAé, social and solidarity grocery stores

Managed by the student community for the benefit of students, AGORAé are social grocery stores that help to combat food insecurity. Three in number, they offer free food baskets to students in financial difficulty. Beneficiaries can also find cleaning products and school supplies at greatly reduced prices.

Student residences

Aix-Marseille Université has launched the construction of two Maisons de l'Étudiant on the Saint-Jérôme (2024) and Saint-Charles (2027) campuses, bringing together all the services needed to combat student insecurity and promote a serene environment. Students will be able to find information on social assistance, health and disability services, help for associations, and more. They can also organize cultural events and preventive actions on health, well-being, etc.
01 02

Take part in the amU adventure!

The quality of life at work, the search for meaning and usefulness in one's job, the versatility of positions and the role of the university for the region... There are many reasons to join us. It's your turn to take part in this wonderful adventure and help change things!