Standing together, every day
Key figures
A fund dedicated to solidarity
Aix Marseille Université has set up a Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes (FSDIE). This fund can provide one-off assistance to students in financial difficulty who are carrying out a project related to their studies - professional integration, reorientation, international mobility, etc. - both on and off campus. - on or off campus.
Putting health first
The first Health Center dedicated to the student community and staff of Aix Marseille University was inaugurated in 2023 to meet the health needs of all. Opened on the Marseille Centre campus, on the Saint-Charles site, the center offers consultations with doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists, as well as healthcare services. Welcoming patients from Monday to Friday, the healthcare professionals offer full third-party payment, so there's no need to pay in advance.
Preventive health care and education is a key policy at Aix Marseille University. To ensure that its student community has no difficulty in accessing healthcare, amU has set up RESAMU, a network of 50 doctors spread across the University's 8 main sites. This network enables students to identify GPs who charge sector 1 consultation fees, to access primary care, and to receive guidance and follow-up in their health care. RESAMU is supported by the Service inter-université de la médecine préventive et de la promotion de la santé (SIUMPPS), in charge of prevention, support and health education.
Take part in the amU adventure!
The quality of life at work, the search for meaning and usefulness in one's job, the versatility of positions and the role of the university for the region... There are many reasons to join us. It's your turn to take part in this wonderful adventure and help change things!