Julia Clement
Before joining the university, I worked in the catering industry for several years, as a waitress and bar manager. In 2015, I made a career change and applied to the university as a tuition manager, a position I quickly filled after receiving on-the-job training. I progressed to become assistant registration office manager in 2018.
I discovered the opportunity to work at amU through a friend who was already working there. Looking for a more stable job that was compatible with my family life, I applied for a position as a tuition manager. My experience as a university student had given me a certain familiarity with this environment.
I'm an expert in the administrative management of enrolments, student follow-up and support for specific requests such as study arrangements for students with disabilities. I also implement procedures and tools to improve the services we offer students, while ensuring smooth coordination within our team.
Charlotte meets Julia
Read Charlotte's interview with Julia Clement.
Discover our new podcast interview with Julia Clement. Immerse yourself in her daily life, her interactions with students and her professional anecdotes. An authentic and inspiring account of the importance of autonomy, human contact and recognition in her profession. Listen now to find out more about this exciting journey!