Françoise Valette
I started out in 1992 as a contract employee in the schooling department, in direct contact with students. Over the years, I've progressed in the schooling and educational information professions, passing competitive exams and taking training courses to move up the ranks. In particular, I took part in major technical projects, such as the integration of the APOGÉE software.
I joined the University of Aix-Marseille as a contract employee after the baccalaureate, then progressed internally by passing competitive exams and continuing my training while working. My commitment and the stimulating environment made me want to stay in the university sector, where I've been able to develop both intellectually and professionally.
I specialize in the extraction and analysis of student and training data, in particular through the use of Business Object software. My expertise covers the management of the educational information system, the creation of steering tools for the university, and the management of technical projects, such as the merger of the APOGÉE databases when the universities merged in 2012.
Charlotte meets Françoise
Read Charlotte's interview with Françoise Valette.
Discover our new podcast interview with Françoise Valette. Immerse yourself in her daily life, her interactions with students and her professional anecdotes. An authentic and inspiring account of the importance of autonomy, human contact and recognition in her profession. Listen now to find out more about this exciting career path!