
Community grocery stores

Aix Marseille University supports students in precarious situations. It has opened three solidarity grocery stores on the Saint-Jérôme, Aix-en-Provence and Luminy campuses.

Discover Agoraé

Called Agoraé, this initiative enables students to put together their own shopping baskets at greatly reduced prices, around 10% off market prices. Products on offer include fruit and vegetables, canned goods, dry goods and hygiene items, meeting students' essential needs. The only one of its kind, this grocery store is part of the "Magasin connecté 4.0", an innovative space designed by the Aix-Marseille IUT, equipped with the latest technologies: connected objects, intelligent sensors, drones and a LIFI connection. The Agoraé project is a place of solidarity, run by students for students, and aims to help those who have between €2 and €7 a day to live on. The success and sustainability of the Agoraé are based on a network of solid partnerships, including the Banque Alimentaire, ANDES, FAGE, the City of Marseille, the Crous d'Aix-Marseille-Avignon, the Département des Bouches-du-Rhône and the Région Sud. This initiative demonstrates Aix Marseille Université's commitment to solidarity and social inclusion, offering concrete and innovative solutions to combat student poverty.