
Acting for sustainable development

Aix Marseille Université is fully committed to a strategic policy of sustainable development that responds to today's environmental, economic and social challenges. This policy aims to integrate the principles of sustainable development into all aspects of university life, from campus management to teaching and research activities.

Since its creation in 2012, amU has made sustainable development issues an integral part of its policy.

Since 2022, a dedicated department has been developing the company's roadmap to meet the challenges of our time and place. Every year, we carry out numerous awareness-raising initiatives for our staff and students. We also make sustainable development a cross-cutting theme in our training programs, to educate non-specialists about this social issue and train future experts.
At the same time, we have embarked on a process of energy and environmental transition, with strong objectives: a 60% reduction in energy consumption by 2050 and an increase of over 30% in the share of renewable energies by 2030. amU promotes a policy of sustainable mobility (car-sharing, recharging stations, public transport, soft mobility) and has set up a Climate Council made up of university scientists and experts from civil society involved in the fight against climate change. A waste management plan has also been drawn up, including amU Recup'Elec operations to collect electrical and electronic equipment. In 2020, amU was ranked 20th in the Times Higher Education "University Impact Ranking" and 1st in France.
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Take part in the amU adventure!

The quality of life at work, the search for meaning and usefulness in one's job, the versatility of positions and the role of the university for the region... There are many reasons to join us. It's your turn to take part in this wonderful adventure and help change things!